Mangrove Forests in the Delta of the Irrawaddy River
This is Burma's biggest river. It runs north to south.
This map displays a closer look at Burma specifically and in particular the Irrawaddy River, where coastal mangroves can be found in this nation.
What are Mangroves?
They include trees, shrubs, palms, and ground ferns that grow in tropical and subtropical tidelands and occur in saltwater areas. Mangroves also have unique and intricate roots- including stilted roots, pneumatophores, root knees, and buttress roots. Tomlinson (1994) They are beneficial in that they have rich soil, which builds up the land and allows the flora and fauna in the ecosystem to flourish and thrive. Mangroves also prevent the erosion of river banks by tidal waves and currents. Moreover, the trees bear fruit and flowers, thus are nutrient rich and supply food to the animals in the region. Animals such as monkeys, insects, snakes, fish and fish-eating birds reside in these mangroves. (Arakan Rivers Network 2009)